ConGraduation to IBAcc Alumni who successfully achieved their Bachelor of Science from Oxford Brookes Business School, Oxford Brookes University
Here is a list of the students along with their ACCA ID’s :
1. Jehizkiah Giovanni @jehizkiah99
2. Felicia Goetomo @feliciagoetomo
3. Immanuel Richard Herlambang @immrichardd
4. Ervita Hestiawati @vitahestia
5. Billy Jonathan @billyjt
6. Fanny Ibrahim @fannyibrah
7. Jennifer Adriana Mucti @jenniferadr_
8. Jacqueline Graciella S. @jacquelinegraciella
9. Evelyn Mulyani @evelynmulyani
10. Vanessa Tejakusuma @vanessatejakusuma
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