Students Appreciation Post
Congratuation to @sbm.pcu International students
Grace Stephanie @gracestphnie & Caytlin Valeska @caitlynvaleska from IBAcc B2023
Kevin Yohanes Setiawan @kevin.yoseid & Hugo Maximillian Yap @hugomaximillianyap from IBM B2023
for winning 1st place on 5th Winaction – Business Model Canvas -Widyatama International Competition
their project, Eco Mag surely envision their mission to revolurionize the way we view waste, to reimagine its potential and to reshape the landscape of sustainability
well done guys, so proud of your accomplishment
@sbm.pcu keep pursuing and providing International Education Quality for our students
come join @sbm.pcu to get your very own International Qualification, Experienxe, Achievement & Exposure
#pcu #pcukeren #bestprivateuniversityineqstjava #worldleadingchristianuniversity #transformsociety #gloryofgod #ibacc #ibm #international